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The Buck Stops Here

Lead prosecutor Joseph Cooksey Jackson sits with his right-hand man, Maxwell Fyfe, discussing their mounting concerns about the forensic evidence. Jackson knows the stakes are high. The success of their case hinges on presenting complex forensic evidence in a way that a jury of laymen can understand. They don’t want any doubts, reasonable or otherwise, sneaking in. Despite the damning evidence against Ruxton, the case is entirely circumstantial, and the defense is poised to challenge the identification of the bodies.

On The Line

A violent double murder that made headlines in a far away town has Detective Matt going undercover. After hearing the suspect might be on the run in his town, Matt posts up near a seedy motel to track him down. But the suspect escapes with the help of a family member. This leads Matt to do one of the most brazen acting jobs of his career in hopes he can catch a killer.

Please, Stop Me!

A serial killer is loose in the early 1980s. His attacks are increasingly brutal and his choice of victim is seemingly random. Then, after he commits his crimes he does something confounding: He calls the police and, while seeming to cry, asks them to stop him. But despite his apparent guilt, he continues to kill, while the police desperately try to track him down.

Split Second

In a split second, your entire life can change. Detective Aaron is a school resource officer. As he does his daily patrol, he stops a man who appears out of place near the local high school. Indeed, this routine stop turns dangerous as the man, who is found to have warrants and is carrying weapons, runs directly onto school property. A confrontation outside classrooms forces Aaron in a split-second decision.

The Runaway

Police get called to a seedy motel after reports of a fight. They find two women injured, one badly, as well as a group of men standing around videotaping the incident on their phones. As Det. Scott begins to investigate, he quickly realizes there is much more than meets the eye as he follows the evidence into a world of gangs and human trafficking.

The Fourth Man

A military general from a Southeast Asian country gets arrested in the United States, along with his bodyguard, for orchestrating a million-dollar heroin deal. However, not content to sit and wait for their trial to begin, the two men plan a jailbreak. They just need two other participants to pull it off, which is how one of our favorite guests, Sgt. David becomes the Fourth Man.

The Imposition

A mother gets home to find her infant Mariah’s head lolling from side to side when she holds her in her arms. The mother asks Mariah’s father, who had been looking after the baby, “What happened?!” He says he doesn’t know and that the child was fine when he put her to sleep. The parents rush Mariah to the hospital and, when the doctors examine her, they immediately call the police to investigate. 


Yeardley shares a personal story of being targeted and stalked at a time in her career when her success and notoriety as an actress were starting to get some much sought-after traction. Brought up to assume she can handle whatever comes her way without asking for help, Yeardley quickly finds herself in over her head. Zibby, Detective Dan and Detective Dave help her unpack the details of this cautionary tale.